vicious spiral

英 [ˈvɪʃəs ˈspaɪrəl] 美 [ˈvɪʃəs ˈspaɪrəl]




  1. If many people are highly indebted, the economy then risks falling into a vicious downward spiral.
  2. But he argued that implementing the agreed reform programme – as well as additional measures to boost growth – would turn a vicious downward spiral of fiscal austerity and economic contraction into a virtuous circle of structural reform, increasing activity and faster fiscal consolidation.
  3. So development of new weapons would be frozen, ending the vicious spiral of nuclear move and countermove.
  4. The sustainability of the debt is correspondingly precarious: if buyers of Italian government debt demand a higher risk premium, a vicious spiral could easily be set off.
  5. And the more that banks are forced to tighten credit as a result of the subprime mess or other losses, the greater the risk that this second wave of defaults will emerge creating the risk of a vicious spiral.
  6. However, the events of the last year have turned this seemingly virtuous cycle into a vicious spiral.
  7. The rise in inequality is the product of a vicious spiral: the rich rent-seekers use their wealth to shape legislation in order to protect and increase their wealth – and their influence.
  8. Both could slow down their growth if they are caught in a vicious spiral of bilateral competition and rivalry.
  9. The vicious cycle of the wage-price spiral of the 1970s has not occurred as both labour and capital still believe in the inflation-fighting credibility of the central banks.
  10. In New York last week, Masaaki Shirakawa, governor of the Bank of Japan, warned of the dangers of a vicious spiral resulting from the negative feedback between the financial system and the real economy.
  11. It should not take a genius to appreciate that such activities can only make the situation worse and aggravate a downward vicious spiral.
  12. Moreover if, as often happens, the process descends into a vicious spiral of retaliation and counter-retaliation, the end result might be even worse.
  13. The great concern is that an economic downturn will exacerbate the stresses in the sovereign debt and bank funding market, which are far from solved, creating a vicious downward spiral akin to 2008 and the potential collapse of the euro.
  14. This is the first step in repairing the heart and in preventing the vicious downward spiral of heart failure in which the heart progressively thins and dilates, eventually causing death.
  15. Price rises change expectations of inflation, leading workers to bid for wage increases that preserve their buying power and firms to push through price increases, generating a vicious spiral.
  16. The real restrictive factor is the poverty of education right, as a result of the unfair system, which leads to a vicious spiral for rural area in poverty.
  17. A vicious wage-price spiral
  18. Sufferers get trapped in a "vicious spiral" in which anxiety over their imagined illnesses makes them unable to cope with normal work and office situations, researchers said.
  19. Finally, brings forward suggestions and countermeasures of conquering a vicious spiral of duplicate construction and excess capacity.
  20. In the changing structural context, structural change does not complete spontaneously through "self-implementation" nor does it fall into beneficial or vicious cycle due to "path dependence" but shows an intermittent structural change with a spiral rise of development-stagnation-new development.
  21. Since the senior crew loss is likely to stimulate greater scope for the loss, it would create a vicious spiral, will give the enterprise caused enormous direct and indirect loss, affect the enterprise image, is not conducive to the long-term development of enterprises.
  22. Thirdly, the technology spillover is insufficient, which makes Chinese enterprises excessively depend on foreign capital in technological progress and innovation so as to drop in the vicious spiral of "introduce-and-behind".
  23. This leads to a vicious spiral, i.e., downturn in stock market induces investors to lose their confidence, and vice versa.
  24. "Environment& Poverty" is defined that occur in the impoverished area as a result of economic behavior caused by environment and impoverished vicious spiral phenomenon.